Thursday, March 15, 2012

End of week 2 results!!

So today lies the mark of week 3, end of week 2....I still feel amazing!! I haven't had any more symptoms than what I've already said. The itchiness is still on my stomach but my hubby brought it to my attention that we just switched laundry soap about when it started....and I have REALLY sensitive skin....soooo hmm....

Anyways......weighed in this morning & WOOP! Down 10lbs from last Thursday!!!!! Makes a total of 12lbs since I started my fast, & total of 20lbs since I started juicing!!! I'm so shocked & awed. I'm also very motivated to keep going because obviously it's WORKING!!

I juiced a whole pineapple, pack of strawberries, 1 kiwi & 2 oranges today & it made 2qts of juice...and it was GREAT! I absolutely love Pineapple, I could eat it everyday!! But I still experiment with different produce & I don't follow any particular "juice" schedule....I juice it all, I juice the rainbow. Your body needs it all so I'm giving it all :) My "deal" to myself is to pick a new fruit/veggie a week....week 1 was mango/papaya & week 2 was Kiwi/asparagus. I'm not sure what week 3 will be but I'm thinking definitely a watermelon/cucumber influx :) Just sounds refreshing....stay tuned!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The "blahs" have found me...

Well, here I sit at day 5 since I restarted.....and I'm officially "blah". I have no energy (I started with crack-like energy)....all I want to do is sleep...all I want is chocolate. LOL Kidding about that last part.....kinda. I have had NO cravings up until this point...and now, I want chocolate. I honestly think it's not really a craving, but a comfort....a food I turned too when I was "blah" or bored. So I really don't think I'm craving it because when I think of eating, I want asparagus. That's my craving....I want sauteed asparagus in garlic butter...yes butter. Mmmmmm, sounds amazing. My tastebuds have changed....that I can tell. The thought of a cheeseburger makes me feel sick. I'd rather have a big ol' huge salad with egg, cheese, chicken, sunflower seeds, etc....Mmmmm...ok I really have to stop, I'm not doing myself any favors.

Ok, well a little update on how it's been going.... I'm getting all my juices down & water down daily....about 1 gallon of juice & water each. I pee like a pregnant woman, I won't lie. I think of peeing and BAM! gotta pee. I leave the bathroom & it's like I go right back in to pee. I also have broke out in a little rash across my stomach...which is considered normal since skin is your largest organ of elimination....I laugh because my stomach is my worst part so it's like the toxins are escaping through it....escape away, escape away. You (toxins) can SO leave. Other than that, nothing new....week 2 ends Thursday with a weigh-in so we'll see how it all goes. Again, This isn't for weight loss but I won't lie, I like seeing numbers move.  Other than today, I've felt amazing...I can't wait until the "euphoria" feeling to emerge...

I do know that my body is asking for does NOT like salty or sour tasting juices....I have to make the green ones sweet & the sweet ones are perfect. This could spell disaster but I'd rather not puke them up so I'll listen....supposedly it will change, we'll see ;)

See you thursday :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Helpful link & info

Ok, I have been asked for links to sites that I'm using to help guide me through this, motivation, etc. It has taken me a few days but I have compiled them all here :) Yay!!

Most have access to Netflix now & it's great because there are lots of movies available on there to watch & either feel sick to your stomach afterwards or completely motivated. Trust me, watch any of the following & you won't have cravings.... guaranteed. Here are a few movies I recommend taking a glance at :)

1: Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
2: Dying to have known
3: Forks over knives
4:The beautiful truth
5: Food Inc.
6: The Gerson Miracle
7: Food Matters
8. Hungry for Change (available 3/31 on Netflix, features Joe Cross for "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead")

ok so movies are out of the way.....lets do links :) I have found numerous links that help....but I'll list the main ones I go to for direction on what to juice, benefits of the produce I'm juicing, etc. 

1.  pretty generic site BUT has a lot of information about your different juices for different ailments & also some pretty good recipes.

2. quite a few great articles on juicing...just a great site in general on the benefits of eating "raw" & healthy lifestyle

3. All the green juice recipes you will need!!!

Ok so this is just some info to help get your started...or further your curiosity :)  Enjoy!

I woke up this morning feeling AMAZING....Very happy, very motivated :) Yay for Day 10!

Friday, March 9, 2012

On to week 2..

SO the results are in....when i weighed in this morning, 2lbs down...359lbs. I know I'm not doing this for weight loss but yeah, after the week I had getting my head straight, I'm just happy I didn't go up! I'm pretty sure I'll end up detoxing again (if you even call a headache a detox lol) because of the caffeine & crap I consumed on my wagon fall off but hey, I only have me to blame. This week is clean. This week is all me. I almost considered starting over completely BUT this is a journey & if I started something over everytime I messed something up, I'd get nowhere in we trudge on to days 8-14. 1 week at a time. I'm really taking it 1 day at a time. I woke up this morning with no cravings, just extreme thirst...which I guess means I'm not drinking enough...I thought I was.

I consume a 1 gallon pitcher of water a day, usually more because I do refill it. My skin feels great, even if I did cheat & fall off the wagon, I really think it's already benefiting from the abundance of nutrients I've been giving it. I started "skin brushing" which is kinda like & almost just like exfoliating everywhere lol fancy term, that's all, & wow, it feels amazing how soft (which I know that's what exfoliating does regardless) & smooth my skin feels...and how much it glows! My pores on my face are noticeably smaller which is awesome. It also doesn't feel as oily ( I have naturally very oily skin). My skin feels great :)

but ok, just wanted to give the results for week 1, I'll keep ya posted :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Whew! A week over....

It's been a week....a full week of ups & downs & definitely biting off more than I can chew...or not chew for that matter. I have fallen off the wagon, admittedly, & jumped right back on. I weigh in tomorrow & see if any damage has been done towards releasing the old me.....the past few days I've been feeling very lethargic, maybe withdrawal is finally catching up?! I have been very sleepy but I hear it's normal as your body is rebuilding....

I've come to figure out I have a food addiction (ahahahaha surprise surprise, 360lbs & I am NOT addicted to food? please!). They say cutting it out for 3wks can solve the problem....that your tastes completely change...but that just like alcohol, you'll fall off the wagon before you completely make the break. SO with that being said, maybe I was destined to fall off the wagon & now i'm on the path to completely breaking the cycle....?! I sure as hell hope so...because this is crap. I should have more power over my mind & compulsions...maybe my head is just so used to "just doing it" that it's harder to break than I thought? I'm just used to picking up a soda, I'm just used to the drive thru...etc...for years. Ok, so I can see how this can be a problem...and I can definitely see how it can be a hindrance...but I'm doing it darn it....serious. Ok, enough babble...what have I been up to for the past few days?

My son is in baseball so that's keeping me daughter just started ballet & tap so that's going to keep me busier. How will I juice? I bought a case of Mason jars to store juices in & I'll just stick one in my purse if I'm going out anywhere so that I know I have something with me & don't get tempted to "stop-in" and pick something up...even if my intention is water, the eyes "browse". I have been trying to continue cutting back on the  heavily sweet juices, mainly the all fruit ones, to cut back the sugars...I need to get accustomed to "green" drinks which I still will mix with a fruit. I have found a new love....watermelon. OMG, it makes a TON of juice (duh) & will make the grassiest green mixture taste like watermelon LOL of course, right!? Plus, watermelon is great for you. 1 small seedless watermelon gave me 8 cups of juice...stored in jars. The way I store it (the way they recommend) is pouring it all the way to the top to minimize air when you seal it...air oxidizes the juice destroying the enzymes & some of the flavor. You can only keep them this way 24hrs before they start to spoil, if they haven't already.

Still addicted to my "banana" green juice of:

2 handfuls of Kale
2 handfuls of Spinach
1 green apple
1 pear

I up the ingredients to make a double batch for lunch so I totally fill up & don't get my "bored, snacking mood" in the afternoon like usual. I think staving off those impulses that I know I get will help tremendously. I'm so mad at myself...I should be acing this...I should be kicking this feasts butt, but I'm so overwhelmed...even being's a huge change & maybe I just didn't realize how "sick" I was....

I'm taking 1 teaspoon of Bee Pollen in the morning juice (LOVE apple, orange, carrot)
I'm taking 1.25teaspoons of MSM powder in my Lemon Water daily...
I'm taking 1 tablespoon Mighty Greens in my lunchtime green juice

I am still trying to drink 2-3cups of juice at one sitting, 4-5 times a day. TONS of water. With being lethargic as of late, I've slacked off on the amount of juice which really could be contributing to the cravings & feelings of failure I've having....can we say cause & effect?! ugh...but I'm trucking along...weighing in the we'll see. Not looking for a huge number, but remember, it's not about that....I've had a ton of emotions flood me this week...inside my own self & outside world. I think I've had a break-through...I think I've come to an understanding of just how "sick" I am...and how to abridge my way of thinking & change it. It's like I've had an epiphany. Yay me!

I know the point of blogs are to let go of feelings & honestly, it helps...i need to get better at doing this daily, I'd help myself tremendously. ...BUT it would be crazy long & I won't do that to you guys. I'm going to start a personal journal & whenever i feel an "urge" I'm going to jot down why...and then why I shouldn't. That in itself should help lots. enough rambling...I'm out, I'm tired...until tomorrow!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Worst. Weekend. Ever.

I'm going to start by apologizing by not keeping my blog up to date over the weekend, especially in the starting days of this's been an emotional weekend.

Back in the summer of 2000, summer of my Senior year in high school, a childhood friend of mine (a fellow base brat) was killed by a drunk driver. She is now Forever 17 & missed every day...I had a hard time getting over her death....I found out Thursday that her little sister had passed away too, at the age of 24. This struck me like a ton of bricks. It was like losing her all over again...suddenly I was having flashbacks of our slumber parties, karaoke parties, dog walks, etc & how I felt when I found out she was gone. Now her sister?! Seriously....her parents have lost both their children, their ONLY children...tragically. This messed me up. I have been an emotional mess & I have to admit, I cheated myself...I cheated on my fast. I couldn't help it....I am guilty of emotional eating, one of the problems I was trying to overcome on doing this fast. I could have hidden this fact & just went on about my fast like normal after I recovered but I'm only cheating myself & then I'm cheating those who are following me & wondering what my results will be. I'm sorry to have let you down so early in this...I'm sorry to myself too. This weekend just brought back FLOODS of feelings from 11 years ago & it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'll never forget her but it's just so sad that her sister is now with her & not with her parents here on Earth. As a parent now, as opposed to when my friend died, I can't imagine having lost both my children....these are some strong parents to have gone through it once, but now this....I feel guilty that of all the stupid things I've done in my life, I'm still here....She deserves to be too. Both of them do. But I think I'm ok now...I just hope & pray her parents can find strength & understanding as to why this happened. My heart truly breaks for them, even more so now being a parent myself. If anything, this weekend has taught me not to take for granted the little moments....always say "I love you", forgive all who need forgiven, & never go to bed angry. Again, I'm sorry I had a lapse....I'm back on the wagon & have made a promise to myself that if, for any other reason I do this, I do it so my family doesn't have to go through the heartache of losing me....yes, I'm that overweight & unhealthy.

On top of this weekend, I find out this afternoon that one of my best friends is losing her step-dad. He had an accident Friday & ended up in a coma....he won't wake up & there is no brain activity.....again, My heart breaks for her & especially her mother, who has been married to him for 19 years. I wish so badly I was in Arkansas with her right now so I could hug her & tell her it's alright to cry....she's strong & being even more strong now for her mother. I love her to death & to see her go through this, hurts. I pray that her mom can find comfort & her own strength in the coming days, as they will be the most difficult in her life. I've been on an emotional roller-coaster all weekend...and then this. I feel so bad for not being is precious.

I will continue to pray for all those that need prayed for. I have needed to pray for myself too. While minute to the bigger dealings of those around me, I need strength to continue. It is taking all I have to not crawl up in a ball & slink back into the patterns I've been in for years & years. I'm sticking to this. I'm only cheating myself by giving in & giving up. So I told myself this:

I WILL forgive myself for the Coke product I consumed.
I WILL forgive myself for the chocolate I consumed.
I WILL forgive myself for the cheeseburger I consumed.

And I have. I'm back on track. I'm so sorry to those who I have inspired to take similar steps, I really am...but I didn't want to hide anything. A lot has happened this weekend & it has definitely shown me why I need to do what I'm doing...

I NEED to become empowered & strong.
I NEED to become healthy & happy.
I NEED to be here for my children.
I NEED to be here for my husband.
I NEED to be here for my parents.
I NEED to be here. period.

I hope you guys don't hold this against me for too long...just know I'm going to be a straight arrow after today...I'm re-committed 110% & for a whole new set of reasons. Life is too short, Life is not guaranteed, & this Life is not mine, it's God's....I want to be 110% while I'm here.

I'm going to finish by saying thank you to all who have been supporting me. It means the world to me. If you could, just take a second (if you're the praying type) & say a quick prayer for those I mentioned above. The world is truly terrifying...none of these people woke up knowing that any of this would happen. Thank you all & good night. I'll be back to normal tomorrow blog-wise although my heart still aches.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 2 - 1st symptom

Well today started off with me being VERY sluggish getting out of bed...can't say it was the feast though because in it's defense, I was up until about 1am. Only real symptom I felt today was a pretty tough tension headache, caffeine withdrawal I suspect. I usually have 4-5 Kcups a morning with my fave froo-froo creamer :) so yes, my body was pissed. BUT it went away around lunch by the time I had my 3rd mixture of juices.

For breakfast I had WAY too much sugar I'm sure...BUT it was delicious....

2 carrots, scrubbed/tops cut off
1 sweet potato, scrubbed & cubed
1 apple, cored
1 orange, peeled
1 tsp of Bee Pollen

So yes, I definitely had my fruit sugars/carbs for the day....guess I'm grounded to green juices for the rest of today, oh well. :) But I won't leave out my granny smith. 

Mid-morning snack I ended up with a green juice...I didn't take a picture because I totally forgot. It was celery, spinach, green apple. Simple. Delish.

Ok, time for a small off topic rant....I observed something today that scared the hell out of me. I was headed to pick my son up from school & I pulled up at the same intersection I always use heading there. This was the intersection of a cross street & a state hwy that runs through town. Well, this mother apparently thought it was ok to run, across the street....with her groceries in one hand...AND her infant in a football hold in the other. Yes, I know, "You gotta do what you gotta do"....ok, even so....we are talking INFANT. BUSY HWY. 4 LANES OF TRAFFIC. & here she was relying on the Faith of total strangers to stop for her...yes, I said stop for her. She wasn't waiting for traffic to clear, she made a flippin' DASH FOR IT! WITH AN INFANT! I was mortified. Plain & simple, mortified. It would have been different had she been patient & waited...but um, dashing across 4 lanes of traffic, during school traffic no less....with an infant. SO after that I had a SMALL case and I mean SMALL (yeah, not so much huh?!) case of Road Rage....I don't think I'm that husband would beg to differ...but Road Rage is definitely not something I partake in all the time...but after the infant crossing the busy road, yeah I was wound for sound. Maybe it wasn't even road rage, maybe she just brought my clarity to a whole new level of stupid I normally don't notice every day...I was almost T-Boned, rear-ended, & side-swiped within a mile of my destination. Yeah, not a good day for smart drivers....or walkers apparently. 

Got home, made me another green drink :) I couldn't do without my granny smith (apples neutralize any weird taste you might have with juice) and I added a handful purple grapes just because they are close to going was great :) 

3 handfuls of Kale greens
2 handfuls of Spinach greens
1 carrot
1 granny smith
1 handful purple grapes
1 tsp of Mighty Greens 

Now I drink a TON of water...first 44oz I drink in the morning has 1 tbsp of MSM powder & lemon in it. After that, I use only lemon or lime. 

The rest of the day was actually pretty hard for me....I had NO cravings yesterday, I was actually very content. Today, well this afternoon, they hit me like a ton of bricks....all the sudden I was closing my eyes & seeing a double bacon cheeseburger from Sonic, Cadbury mini chocolate eggs, Taco Bell burrito supreme, get the horrible, horrible picture. The juices themselves were very satisfying but I couldn't keep the food out of my head. To combat them, I drank water...lots & lots of water until I was so full I felt like blowing up. It worked LOL I made my 4cups of juice for dinner (another green juice, trying to be a good girl and do mainly veggies). It was good...kinda a "kitchen sink" green juice, an aray of everything that looked like it was going to go bad in a day or two. It turned out good. I used a lot of Kale, Spinach, celery, 1 pear, handful of purple grapes. It was very filling as you can imagine & I used my "lotta pulp" juicer plate so it had a smoothie-like texture. I've found I like a "lotta pulp" in my veggie drinks & use the less pulp plate on my fruits & carrots. 

All & all it was an OK day. I had the caffeine headache & then the crazy cravings this afternoon but I know it's all normal & all a good sign. I ALMOST cheated myself & licked the spoon of black beans I was stirring for dinner ( made the family burritos) but I caught myself...I didn't do it on purpose, just habit :) On to day 3!! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 1

So it starts....92 days....I will think about this in increments of theoretically, Day 1 of 10 of 92. Right? lol Anyways, you get my point. I started my morning off with this juice :

2 carrots, scrubbed not peeled
8 strawberries, tops removed
2 navel oranges, no rind

made 12oz of juice that I mixed with 1tsp of Bee Pollen & 1tsp of MSM powder, which can be found at your local health food store.

I've already had another juice since early this morning, I made:

1 cucumber, peeled
1 head of broccoli spears
1 green apple, cored
1 tbsp of Mighty Greens powder
1 tbsp of Agave Nectar

The Mighty Greens powder can be found at your local health food store as well as the Agave nectar. This juice made about 2 cups, or 16oz. Cucumbers are FILLED with yummy nutrients and lots of water as well.

I've only made it to 10:00am so far LOL...but I haven't had hunger pangs or anything....If I felt like I wanted something, I made more juice. That's the point of this, filling your body up with the nutrients it needs. Now along with these juices, you are encouraged to drink a gallon or so of water/lemon a day. Lemons have amazing antioxidants.

Of course, to rub salt in my wounds this morning...My husband pulled out a lb of bacon & fried it up. Yes, he's supportive...No, he wasn't thinking. LOL He's juicing with me, just not fasting....he is just eating in moderation.

Starting weight : 361lbs  - weighed this morning

I lost a total of 8lbs in 6 days before i started this feast just due to the introduction of juices into my diet.

I will have to go out & buy a tape measure, I can't seem to find mine :( SO inches will be measured later today.

I feel good. I feel light. Having not actually "eaten" a breakfast like I normally do (english muffin, bacon, eggs, etc) I feel empty but full. Light, but full. I know detox symptoms are bound to show up but I'm ready :)

For lunch I made a tomato concoction...

2 ripe red tomatoes
2 carrots
1 cucumber
1 sliver onion
1 tbsp basil

This tasted a lot like a gazpacho....and if you had added a shot of Tabasco, it could have been a Bloody Mary. This was the most filling juice I've had. Plus, it made 3cups!

Well, I have been feeling great all day....still am! I've been drinking water like a fish (with lemon) & I just made another juice with:

1 pineapple , skinned
1 mango, (these suckers don't juice F.Y.I.)
1 papaya

Can I just say this was Heaven in a glass....absolutely refreshing! I closed my eyes and I felt sun & sand :) The mango gave it a smoothie texture which I really liked too. Although I know I can't do this often, it was an AMAZING treat. Total, this juice made 1.25qts...LOTS of fresh juice. My children loved it!!

So dinner was a green juice:

2 handfuls of kale greens
2 handfuls of spinach
1 cucumber
3 stalks of celery
2 small granny smith apples
1tsp of agave nectar
Yield: 2, 8oz cups

So this ends my day....I drank a total of 170oz of water & well over 4 quarts of different juices. All in all, today was a great day :) I went shopping for new produce (mainly greens) & I didn't get my afternoon lull & had energy. I know this feeling won't last long as my body adjusts to the nutrients & starts breaking down the badness I have going on. Detox is around the corner....stay tuned :)